Tuesday 30 June 2009

Promo pics!

Now we have received the new promo pics for our upcoming album "Midgardian Metal"! I hope you enjoy them! Cheers!

Monday 8 June 2009

Black Troll Festival

Well, this was a very eventful weekend. But let's take it from the beginning...

We left Sölvesborg at 4 o'clock in the morning to catch the boat at 8. The boat trip lasted 5 hours and 45 minutes. Extremely boring, by the way. Then we drove from Rostock to Bornstedt and we arrived at 8 in the evening.

We were really exited cause the festival was built around an old ruin on top of a hill. It looked really cool and you could really feel the medieval theme of the festival. We received free food, drinks and everything. It felt really good.

At midnight we entered the stage and we did a really great gig! I actually headbanged til my hair got stuck in my piercing and the piercing fell off haha. After the gig, people were screaming for more so we gave them "Nifelheim" as a bonus act but we really f***ed that one up haha.

Anyway, it all went good and we had to leave early to catch the morning boat. Well here it all went to hell I tell you.

At 5 in the morning one of our cars crashed on the autobahn and was totally wrecked. All of us who were in the car, me, Thommy & Emil, survived with only a couple of bruises. Incredible! Jimmy & Reine drove in a car behind us and witnessed how our car suddenly flew off the road in a really high speed, volting further out on a big field. We were guarded by angels, I tell you. Or Valkyrians perhaps? Almost everything in the car was wrecked, including my bass, Jimmie's guitar and other gear.

Anyhow we're extremly happy to be alive and now we have to take a break from the music for a while to gather new stuff and rise from the ashes once again =)


// Morgan

Thursday 4 June 2009

Travel issues!

Tomorrow we will be playing at the Black Troll Festival. At first we we're planning to use a big tour bus for our trip to Germany and we also planned to begin our journey today. The boat tickets were booked and everything was in order until suddenly the bus broke down.
Yesterday, Jimmie found a replacement bus but today it turned out to be malfunctioning. Lots of bad luck indeed.
Well our boat tickets have been rebooked and now it seems we're leaving tomorrow morning instead and we will be driving there in a smaller car. We'll also be leaving the festival much earlier than planned. It sucks....
Well, see you on stage tomorrow evening at 11.30! Cheers!

// Morgan

Saturday 30 May 2009


Today we did a really great performance at the Siesta!- festival! This festival is mostly known as a pop festival so we really thought it would be at most 3 or 5 people in the audience (lol) but it turned out to be a lot lot more =)
Here you have some live pictures!

// Morgan

Tuesday 26 May 2009

3 days til Siesta!

Hello my friends!
On friday the 29th we will play at Siesta!- festival. We enter the "Casa"- stage at 22.30, so be there and be prepared for a 30 minute-voyage into the ancient battlefields!

The playlist contains only new songs from the coming album!

  1. Fight Win Kill & Conquer
  2. Circle of Runes
  3. The Three Norns
  4. Nifelheim
  5. Die For My Clan
  6. The Death of Yggdrasil

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Soon we will play at the Siesta! festival in Hässleholm and the week after that we play at Black Troll Festival in Bornstedt, Germany. The playlist for Siesta! will contain 6 songs from our coming album and in Germany we will do the same playlist as in Essen. Just keeping it simple and heavy.
Today we rehearsed the playlists and it went great. Can't wait to show the world how to kill on stage \m/
By the way, I've been writing on a new song lately and it's finally finished. Just some lyrics missing. When it's titled I will give you a little taste.


Monday 27 April 2009

Battle Metal Fest 2

So, I'm finally back from a great weekend in Germany. We spent about 22 hours on the road but we had a really great time and we drank a lot of beer of course.
We made a lot of great new friends and did get to meet our bosses from Trollzorn for the very first time. Kai & Stefan, thanks guys, it was really nice meeting you!
We also made friends with the bands Obscurity, Slechtvalk, Dyrathor & Kromlek. Great bands all of them. Special thanks to the Obscurity- guys who hosted the evening. You made us feel very welcome, thanks!
The audience was loud, happy & cheerful. We had to cut off two of our songs to fit the schedule but it all went real smooth.
I got really drunk and I actually went lost in the city of Essen while heading back to the hotel. Woops... Eventually I found a cabdriver who told me I had walked 3 km too far and then he drove me to the hotel, haha, thank you mr cabdriver!

Friday 24 April 2009

Tonight we begin our journey to Germany and we're very exited. Yesterdays rehearsal went really good. The playlist we'll sure as hell make the ground tremble.
I have packed my bags, bringing some beer for the travel along with my drinking horn and of course, the hammer of Thor is tied around my neck \m/
Ready to fight, win, kill & conquer!

Be sure to check out Obscurity on their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/obscuritybergischland

Thursday 23 April 2009

Tonight it's rehearsal and it's the last one before we're heading to Essen, Germany!
We're going to support a great german battle metal band called Obscurity on their releaseparty. Their new album "Várar" is an iron heavy masterpiece. It makes your ears bleed indeed.
We're very proud to attend this great event!

The songs we'll perform is:
  1. Cleansed By Fire
  2. Heimdall's Horn
  3. This Pagan Blood
  4. Return From Hel
  5. Brothers of War (Into Valhalla They Ride)
  6. On a Battlefield In Midgard I Will Die
  7. Fight Win Kill & Conquer
  8. Circle of Runes
  9. Die For My Clan
  10. The Death of Yggdrasil

Welcome to my blog!


My name is Morgan. I am a songwriter and a bassplayer in the midgardian metal band Wulfgar! In this blog you will be able to read about our rehearsals, performances, reviews & also be able to follow the process of my songwriting for the third album. Even though the second album "Midgardian Metal" not yet been released I have already begun working on the third =)
The second album will be released in September 2009 we hope. The album is recorded but we still await the final mix.
So welcome and enjoy!